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[greenyes] No' Source Separation"?

My question is about 'CO MINGLED' Recycling. I live in a small rural
town in Oregon. Last year the local garbage company transfer station
terminated the source separation recycling and switched over to
commingled. This is a site collection method where all recyclables
with the exception of glass and OCC (cardboard) are put into a single
bin. I have tried and tried to get information about this commingled
collection arrangement but have so far not been able to obtain
This garbage company has been resistant for years about ANY education
of the public about any aspect of recycling including source
separation info and they are seemingly ignorant about the commingled
process as well. The employees are both apathetic and almost hostile
about recycling in general.
Can anyone direct me to a site which offers information about the
commingled collection process-agenda.
thanks, Demelza

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