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Re: [greenyes] PAYT: 2 questions

Some perspective may be gained from checking out the collection system
in St. Cloud, MN.

My understanding from seeing staff presentations is that they're pretty
happy with their system. I think population and surroundings are pretty
similar, so it might make a good comparison.

The contact I have for St. Cloud is Mr. Stephen Gaetz at 320-255-7200
or sgaetz@no.address

My personal opinion is that while concerns about illegal dumping are
valid, I believe it's a surmountable obstacle. I do have difficulties
with the "regressive" argument, though. PAYT is no different from how
other utility services, such as water, heating and electricity are
billed. You pay for what you use, no more and no less.

Mark Snyder
Pollution Prevention Specialist
Minnesota Office of Environmental Assistance

>>> Jenny Gitlitz <jenny.gitlitz@no.address> 8/20/2004 10:12:57 AM
Hello all,

The city fathers & mothers in Pittsfield, MA are considering adopting
pay-as-you-throw garbage collection. The proposal has generated quite a
of controversy, with many people worried about illegal dumping that
result from the plan, and others arguing that PAYT is regressive in
that it
disproportionately affects the poor. Put it together, and the argument
that low-income people will soon be tossing their trash in ravines
of buying City garbage bags.

Pittsfield is a small town (pop. about 45,000) surrounded by rural
woods, farmlands, and lakes.

Any comments from existing PAYT communities would be welcome.


Jennifer Gitlitz
Research Director, Container Recycling Institute

Home Office:
2 Pomeroy Ave.
Dalton, MA 01226
Tel. (413) 684-4746
Mobile: (413) 822-0115
Fax: (413) 403-0233
Email: jgitlitz@no.address

Container Recycling Institute headquarters:
1911 N. Ft. Myer Dr. #702
Arlington, VA 22209-1603
Tel. (703) 276-9800
Fax: (703) 276-9587

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