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[greenyes] Re: Recycling programs not cost effective

Hi Buford

On a broad scale the evidence is overwhelming: recycling does work and
yes there are markets for materials AND IT IS ALSO true that a given
program may not be "cost effective" given your circumstances and further
complicated by the priorities of local officials. I don't think you can
make this assessment without looking closely at your own situation. The
viability of your program will depend on the proximity to local markets
for the materials you chose to recycle, how much processing is required
(to meet market specifications) and the way one chooses to implement the
program. It's very possible that you can build a cost effective program
if there is a willingness to invest in the infrastructure.

I suspect you can find plenty of information to win the broad
"recycling" argument, but that won't necessarily make recycling happen
in Dickenson County. Assuming you are committed to that end, I suggest
tracking down that report that claims that recycling is not cost
effective and working the very capable officials in the Virginia DEQ to
help you build your case and your strategy make recycling happen. There
is some interesting information on the Virginia DEQ website about
recycling markets in your state
( and it might be useful
to you to get the report that supports that posting. I noted a email
link there to Steve Coe-I suggest taking your questions to him.

Good luck to you.

Maurice Sampson

-----Original Message-----
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2004 11:12:55 -0400
To: <greenyes@no.address>
From: "Buford Hill" <garbageman@no.address>
Subject: Recycling programs not cost effective
Message-ID: <001001c48535$e73b4a80$b2e4fea9@no.address>

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Hello all,

I live in Dickenson County Virginia. One of the poorest counties in the
= state now that the Coal business is failing. I previously worked for
the = County Solid Waste Department. It was my hopes that the county
would = implement a recycling program to enhance the curbside pick-up
program = that they started in 1995. I worked hard to find information
and = resources to present to the Board of Supervisors. They were always
= against it because "It would cost too much". That was 3 years ago.

Recently I was appointed to a Litter Control Ordinance Review Committee.
= This committee was formed to make recommendations for a body of =
Ordinances to fight the litter throughout our county. Although we have a
= Solid Waste Ordinance that covers the same material presented by the =
county administration, they feel that they need a specialized litter =

On this committee is the County Administrator, Director of Solid Waste,
= A Board of Supervisors member, The Litter Control Coordinator, The =
Litter Control Officer, Virginia General Assembly Delegate Clarence =
(Bud) Phillips and myself. The Commonwealth Attorney and some private =
citizens were asked to be there to assist in devising this Litter =
Control Ordinance but failed to attend.

My concern is that the bureaucrats on the committee are against any type
= of recycling through the Solid Waste stream giving the same worn out =
excuse "It would cost too much". Stressing that there are no markets for
= the materials. Del. Phillips even stressed studies that were done by
the = State of Virginia that say it is NOT cost affective. Although he
did not = provide any documentation to back his statements.

Is this the reality of Recycling? Does it cost too much to implement? =
Are there no markets for the materials?

I need some help with this matter. If anyone has some ammunition I can =
fire back at them on these issues, let me know.=20

Thank you

Buford Hill
Recycle, Garbage is a terrible thing to Waste.


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