Colorado Association for Recycling
Perspectives on the Bottle Bill
Friday, August 13, 2004
1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Arvada City Council Chamber
8101 Ralston Road, Arvada
Please RSVP by contacting Susie Gordon at 970-221-6265
or sgordon@no.address with your name and affiliation.
Confirmed Speakers
Pat Franklin, Container Recycling Alliance
Mick Barry, Mid-America Recycling
Angie Paccione, Colorado State House Representative for District 53.
Invited Speakers
Soft Drink Trade Associations
Beverage Industry
The purpose of this event is to educate CAFR members and other
interested parties about the advantages and disadvantages of container
deposit legislation (commonly referred to as a bottle bill).
You will hear from a panel of speakers representing the many aspects
of the issue. You will also have the opportunity to ask questions and
make comments through a friendly, facilitated discussion.
Questions of the panel are welcome but will only be accepted in a
written format. Note cards and pens will be available at the event.
Directions to 8101 Ralston Rd.
I-70 to Wadsworth
Wadsworth North to Ralston Rd.
West on Ralston Rd. approximately 5 blocks.
Jack DeBell
Director, University of Colorado Recycling Services
UMC 355
207 UCB
Boulder, CO 80309-0207
303.492.8307 office
303.492.3244 fax