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I thought you might like to see the news release from the web page of the Swedish Chemicals Inspectorate, http://www.kemi.se/lang/english/Media/1088518900.html : ................................... 2004-06-30 The Swedish Chemicals Inspectorate (KemI) is proposing: Ban mercury in Sweden. The Swedish Chemicals Inspectorate is proposing that the present ban on mercury in certain articles be extended to a general ban. This means that amalgam and chemicals used in analyses, for instance, would be included. Mercury is one of the most hazardous environmental toxins and poses a threat to both the environment and human health, says Ethel Forsberg, Director-General of KemI. Sweden has until now been successful in efforts to phase out mercury. We have come as far as possible on a national basis, should the proposal be adopted. On 30 June, KemI presented the report Mercury - government commission report on a general, national ban. The proposal implies a ban on sale of mercury or articles containing mercury on the Swedish market, and on export of mercury and articles containing mercury out of Sweden. The Inspectorate is also proposing a ban on export of waste containing mercury. This means that mercury and mercury compounds must not be used. Articles containing mercury already on the market or in use today may continue to be used. Time-limited exemptions are proposed for certain applications to provide time for development of and transition to alternatives. Amalgam KemI is of the opinion that there are strong reasons for banning amalgam on the basis of environmental concern. There are other tooth-filling materials that fulfil the requirements set by the ordinary dental service. In exceptional cases, amalgam might have to be used in hospital dental treatment of adult patients. KemI and the National Board of Health and Welfare are therefore proposing such an exemption valid until 31 December 2008. Chemicals used in analyses Mercury compounds are used in different types of analyses. Their use can be phased out, provided that a transitional period is given for developing and testing alternative methods. KemI is therefore proposing time-limited exemptions from the ban covering, for instance, analyses within the forest industry, the pharmaceutical industry, to make medical diagnoses and within R&D. Chlor-alkali production The chlor-alkali industry, manufacturing chlorine and lye, uses large amounts of mercury. KemI is proposing that the use is to cease not later than 31 December 2009. This is in line with EC directives and international conventions. It is very difficult to implement national rules that go further than EC legislation in the case of batteries, light sources and vehicles, for instance, and these are thus exempt from the ban. When most of the exemptions have expired within 3-5 years, KemI estimates that a ban would reduce the addition of new mercury in chemical products and articles from approximately 340 kg a year (2003) to about 190 kg a year. Amalgam represents the largest reduction. Amalgam is currently the largest individual source of mercury content in the sludge of sewage treatment plants. The EC must be notified of any new national regulations on mercury, and the regulations must be accepted by the EC before they may be implemented in Sweden. The report Kvicksilver - utredning om ett generellt nationellt förbud </raw/documents/57015_kvicksilver.pdf> (pdf 413 kB, in Swedish) Summary </raw/documents/57009_040630Hg_summary.pdf> of the report in English (pdf, 64 kB) |
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