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[greenyes] New England Staples Office stores are taking computers equipment in pilot environmental recycling program

Greesyes (New Englanders),

> A co-worker just went to the Falmouth, Maine Staples
> store today to recycle his old Mac for free. I called up the Staples
> stores in Falmouth and Windham and they both can take up to two computer
> systems per customer. This computer recycling program is going on until
> July 11th. They take computers, printers, monitors, mice, and speakers.
> So act quick and clean out the hard drives.
> FMI on the electronics recycling pilot program for
> participating stores and what you can exactly take, call Staples Regional
> Office program co-ordinator Mark Buckley (508) 253-0510 in Framingham,
> Mass
> I do know all Staples Stores have an ongoing recycle
> program old printer ink and toner cartridges.
> Steve Ruszkai
> ----------
> From: Dawn Stillings
> Sent: Friday, June 11, 2004 2:30 PM
> To: Susan Ransom; Aaron Anker - Grandy Oats;
> Annie Mahle; Beth Ansheles; Cheryl Bascom; Craig W. TenBroeck; Emily
> Bloch; Glenn Rudberg; John Eldredge; Mary Allen Lindemann; Mary Mayo; Matt
> Curtis; Peter W. Taggart; Sanna McKim; Steve Robinson; Susan Olson-Gworzdz
> Subject: Staples taking unwanted electronics
> in pilot program
> << File: untitled-2.htm >>
> Staples and EPA NE Team Up on Electronics Recycling
> EPA and Staples Inc. are teaming up on a
> cutting-edge project to utilize
> retailers to collect and recycle electronic waste
> instead of it being
> disposed of at landfills and other waste facilities.
> Staples has launched an Electronics Recycling
> Program for customers at
> 27 stores across New England. From May 30 through
> July 11, customers
> will have a chance to recycle any used computer
> hardware and business
> machines, including printers, copiers, scanners and
> faxes. Staples will
> then send the collected items to Envirocycle, an
> electronics recycling
> company.
> The program is a collaboration between EPA's Plug-In
> To eCycling program
> and the Product Stewardship Institute at the
> University of Massachusetts
> in Lowell, which received a $46,000 EPA innovative
> working group grant
> for the project. Companies supporting the program
> include Apple, Dell,
> Epson America, HP, Lexmark, Panasonic, Sharp, Sony
> and Brother
> International Corp.
> Unused electronics, or e-waste, is among the fastest
> growing waste
> streams due to growing sales and rapid obsolescence
> of these products.
> An estimated 20 million personal computers became
> obsolete in the U.S.
> in
> 1998 and an estimated 61 million personal computers
> will become obsolete
> in 2004.
> Electronic wastes contain numerous toxic substances,
> including lead,
> mercury, cadmium, copper, lithium and brominated
> flame retardants. These
> materials can be released to the environment as
> leachate from landfills
> or
> as air emissions from waste-to-energy facilities,
> posing a threat to
> human health and the environment.
> For more information, visit the agency's web site at

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