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[greenyes] Fwd: [jtrnet] Metals from incinerators

Apologies for Cross-Postings

If you can highlight environmental issues related to metals recovered from incinerators, please respond directly to Stephen Long at <Stephen.Long@no.address> and cc: this listserve.



Subject: [jtrnet] Metals from wte/incinerators
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 2004 10:39:34 -0400
From: "Long, Stephen \(DEP\)" <Stephen.Long@no.address>
To: "JTRNET" <jtrnet@no.address>

I am looking for any resources, guidance documents, policies,
regulations, etc. that pertain to the following questions.

Has anyone developed best management practices for the management of
metals that are recovered from waste to energy/incineration facilities?

What environmental controls are required for metal shredding facilities
that handle either post incineration ferrous (PIF -- the metals are
separated from the ash) and/or pre-incineration ferrous (often called
muni-ferrous -- unburned trash (MSW) is separated from the metals)?


Stephen Long
Recycling Markets Planner
MA Department of Environmental Protection
1 Winter Street, 9th Floor
Boston, MA 02108
617-292-5734 (voice)
617-292-5778 (fax)

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Gary Liss
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