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Recycle Scene Spring 2004 Richard Anthony Zero Waste Trip Report This year instead of looking for zero waste, we looked for opportunities to promote a zero waste systems approach. The use of “residuals” or “other” categories in analyzing discards create the justification for an integrated waste management approach which includes incinerators and landfills. Because the National Recycling Congress will be held in San Francisco August 29, 2004; The California Resource Recovery Association (CRRA) held our conference in March in Sacramento. My topics this year were, “How to do a better job in making recycling convenient and available in commercial and multifamily areas, and why we need Training and Methodology for proper Resource Management. At the same time we received initiations to speak in Gouda, Paris, London and Waterville New Hampshire. In each case the request was for a discussion on the ideology and methodology of a zero waste systems approach to discard management. Thus with presentations grown in California we flew to Europe and Northeast USA to meet with recyclers. After rain for nearly a month, on the Sunday in May when we arrived in the Netherlands, the rain stopped. We had clear and sunny weather for the next two weeks. This is good because Debbie and I met Anne Sheinberg in Den Haag where we rented bikes to tour the city and ride to the North Sea for dinner with Hans. Anne works for WASTE in Gouda and the next day I presented my papers to their principals and staff. At noon, from Gouda I caught a train to Paris where on the train I find that my friend and partner in many projects for the Institute for Local Self Reliance Neil Seldman, is sitting in my seat. At the Hotel de la Paix Tour Eiffel, we see Gary Liss and Pat Miller and meet old and new friends from America, Wales, England, New Zealand, Canada, Australia, Philippines, Nova Scotia, and Colorado, all part of our group. Didier Toque, President of Decentralisation and Initiatives Locales (DIL) from France is also there and we all go to dinner to discuss the coming event. The first day some are assigned to media conferences, some go to meet members of parliament, and my group is assigned the government staff. This is where integrated waste management plans are written and defended. In Paris half of the power is gotten from Nuclear and the other half by burning garbage. This comes at a huge cost, as this system charges for service and even though some energy is produced, jobs and resources are lost. Waste reduction threatens the put or pay long term agreements the local governments have with the incinerators and the landfills. The whole team met in the Paris City Hall (with painted murals on the ceilings, and mirrors and chandeliers) with the Paris Waste Management Division including the Syndicate (French for the landfill and incinerator operators). After a lot of discussion through interpreters about how hard it would be to recycle everything in Paris, the Syndicate representative asked what we zero wasters thought they could do with the 30% residual from their incinerators. The conference entitled “Zero Waste: Unachievable or Realistic Target” was attended by 350 French local elected officials, their staff, members of the Syndicate and a few surprises. Our team of zero waste programs spent the day discussing why their Country, City, Region, made the decision to go for zero waste as a goal and with what results. In some cases “residuals” were high. Several Mayors of French towns offered that with 50% recycling and 50% burning their cities were at zero waste. My talk on jobs and sustainability was up first the next morning. I used the 12 master categories that have been defined by Dan Knapp of Urban Ore in Berkeley Calif. where reusable and 11 categories of materials are defined by markets and processing compatibility. I used pictures and charts that showed these materials, their value, percentage of the discard stream and the related jobs that were threatened by burn and bury disposal systems. The first comment was by a representative of the Syndicate who announced that they recycled metal and glass at the incinerator but paper was not worth anything. The second speaker was a surprise. He represented a French paper mill and he admonished the speaker saying,”… Mr. Anthony is right I will pay for all the paper I can get ”. Saturday a group of us met with GAIA supporters in a building by a park in a suburb of Paris. We could not resist taking a picture on the way there (zero waste experts in Paris) in front of the Eiffel tower. On Sunday we visited Monet’s House and garden. The next day we are off to London for the Community Recycling Network (CRN) Conference. “Catch the Recycling Bug”. The CRN is the NRC of England. The conference reception was on a boat with dinner and a band floating down the Thames River under the London Bridge at sunset. In England the government is funding nonprofits to do reuse, repair and recycling. After the 12 categories talk at the zero waste panel, the Mayor of Doncaster, Martin Winter who’s City has adopted a zero waste goal and plan, went on to say a lot more about why it is a good thing for his city to go for zero waste. The final day included a visit to Westminster Abbey, lunch in a Pub, a matinee live show (Chicago) and Greek food for dinner. Its June now and I have just returned from Waterville New Hampshire for the Northeast Resource Recovery Association (NRRA) conference. One of the first and oldest Recycling Associations, NRRA is also a market cooperative that helps the rural communities of the Northeast sell recyclable commodities. This year the market spoke persons called for recycle material collectors to sell to local markets. In San Francisco on August 26 and 27 2004, The Global Recycling Council of CRRA in partnership with over 50 groups and people will host the first international dialog about the proper disposal of discards in the new millennium (http://www.crra.com/grc/international/index.html). The last day for receiving papers will be June 30, 2004. The event will begin the discussion and evaluation of integrated waste management and define the methodology of the zero waste approach. This discussion and the Saturday GRRN Zero Waste Teach-in Oakland August 28 will make it worthwhile to come to San Francisco for the NRC Congress and tours. Ricanthony@no.address RichardAnthonyAssociates.com San Diego, California |
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