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Wayne has added a breath of good news about efforts to curtail recycling in Walkertown, NC -- "As a follow-up to my last post about the general health of recycling programs, the two most notable program curtailments of which I'm aware, NYC and a small municipality here in NC, have been reversed and the programs reinstated in some form or fashion after having been totally suspended. I'll leave the details of Gotham's program suspension and reinstatement to those more closely affiliated with it, although it certainly garnered national attention when it was suspended. I thought it might interest the list-serve to know about the community here where I work and live. "Walkertown, a small municipality here in Forsyth County, NC suspended its recycling program two years ago due to an imminent budget crisis. The elected officials cited poor participation (<25%) and high costs ($38,000/year). They were receiving once/week recycling service from WMI, the contracted collector. Walkertown has a relatively high proportion of seniors in its population base. The age of the population was one of the reasons given for the low participation rates. After the town council voted to suspend the program there were several passionate defenders of the program, both young and old, who came to the next town council meeting to speak in support of continuing the program. Although the speeches made by the program supporters were convincing and impassioned, the council did not overturn their decision to suspend the program. the program was terminated on July 1, 2003. "The town now has newly elected officials (it has been suggested that some were voted off due to not supporting the recycling program) and one of their immediate tasks was to find funding for the recycling program. They did so and have reinstated it with service once every two weeks, adequate for this community. The program is scheduled to start again on July 1, 2004. "It is this kind of political activism and perseverance that gives me hope that local recycling programs will continue to be a part of the government landscape for years to come. As John Reindl put it, it's not only about the immediate financial gains/losses of the program but also about the less quantifiable long-term environmental benefits." I have no doubt that there are dozens of small stories such as Wayne recounts that will warm our hearts. Maybe it's because I accursed by being an economist, but, while those stories may envigorate our hopes, I do not believe that they can sustain an industry. That is why I went on in my emal last week to describe the corrossive pressures that are running riot through our industry today that compromise our future. Now it is certainly true that there will be places with a strong environmental ethic where people evince the political activism that Wayne describes and the understanding of environmental benefits that John rightly points out, and they will be tempted feel immune to those headwinds. But, because we are all in a commodity business that operates in a global economy, no island will be immune, not Ann Arbor, Madison, Austin or Berkeley to what is happening outside their city walls. For everyone sells into those wider markets, and, as their economics erode and the infrastructure crumbles, the markets for everyone will decline in turn. That is why I am very much of the belief that we all need to redouble our support of earlier successful measures mandating recycled content in newspapers and non-food plastic bottles, and voluntary committments by Coke and later Coke in beverage plastic bottles that have been critical in leveraging prices we receive. And we also must move on to the next battle now waging to eliminate the massive regulatory subsidies for landfilling against which recycling competes. Resting our laurels on those noble stories, which we all relish so dearly, will not, unfortunately, carry the day. Peter |
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