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Greetings folks. The coordinated push for state level e-waste producer responsibility legislation continues in several states, with advocates racing against the legislative clock. We've been too busy with the details that no one has stepped back and communicated progress over the past couple of weeks. Maine - The Natural Resources Committee in the Maine Legislature recommended an e-waste bill out of committee as ought-to-pass by a 9-3 vote. The original bill proposed a temporary ARF to pay the costs of recycling TVs and orphan computer monitors from the point of consolidation from 1/1/06 - 1/1/12 and that computer monitor manufacturers accept individual responsibility for their own products beginning 1/1/06, the date Maine's disposal ban goes into effect. The Committee felt that the ARF would prove burdensome to the state and amended the bill into a producer responsibility model beginning 1/1/06. The amended bill has strong bipartisan support. The bill was supported by the environmental community, local government, and HP. IBM and several television manufacturers provided the bulk of the opposition. The amended bill holds the manufacturers responsible for the recycling of their own products plus a pro rata share of orphans from receipt at consolidation; municipalities are responsible for ensuring residents CRTs get to consolidation. The Governor publicly stated that he wants an e-waste bill this session. Minnesota - The Senate Environment, Agriculture and Economic Development Budget Committee last week passed Sen. Higgin's proposed legislation requiring manufacturers responsibility for CRTs and video display devices. MN's disposal ban goes into effect in 2005. Sen. Higgin's bill tracks the language of the bill promoted by Rep. Ray Cox (R-Northfield) in the Assembly. Final language is likely to be worked out in an end-of-session omnibus bill. As in Maine, the bill has bi-partisan support, is being pushed by a coalition of local governments, recyclers, enviros with the active support of HP. Dell submitted a letter indicating their support for the bill, while IBM and several television manufacturers have been actively opposing the measures. Massachusetts and Rhode Island Producer responsibility bills are also still pending in MA (HR4535) and RI (H7527). Additionally, procurement legislation has been offered in Vermont, and a handful of e-waste related bills are still active in NY. Stay tuned for more updates as legislative sessions wind up for the year. Finally, the Computer TakeBack Campaign has made available an analysis of the shortcomings of ARF-only systems, indicating potentially billions of dollars of revenue shortfalls that could fall on taxpayers. Check out the new "Poison PCs, Toxic TVs" report, released in February at the last NEPSI meeting, at www.computertakeback.com <http://www.computertakeback.com/> . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ David Wood Executive Director, GrassRoots Recycling Network Organizing Director, Computer TakeBack Campaign 210 N. Bassett St., Suite 200 Madison WI 53703 608-255-4800, ext. 100 608-347-7043 (cell) david@no.address |
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