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Re: [greenyes] Involving Beverage Vendors

I think the message here is that we need to work with the school district
contracts people to make sure that the placement of the vending machines is
accompanied by a 'real' recycling program. If this is a condition of the
placement, then it is likely that they will still be interested.
Richard Gertman

----- Original Message -----
From: "Megan Kershner" <Mkershner@no.address>
To: <greenyes@no.address>
Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2004 9:25 AM
Subject: Re: [greenyes] Involving Beverage Vendors

> For a long, long time Pepsi had the contract with all the schools in our
> area (approximately 200 schools). When Nagle beverage (Pepsi
> distributor) was approached to do more to help the schools recycle,
> their comment was that they had purchased one recycling bin for each of
> the schools and that was the extent of their interest. They made it
> very clear that they were not interested in providing any funds - not
> even in the spirit of ARD or competition - for recycling.
> When I probed the Pepsi rep for more information and how they could
> consider one bin per school their contribution to the community and to
> schools, they got very defensive. I explained that getting bins was
> less of a problem than getting the recyclables off the campus and to the
> processor. They didn't care - and said as much.
> To add insult to injury, now Coke has the school contracts and the
> lovely Pepsi-labeled recycle bins are no-where to be found. Coke (Swire
> Distributors) is also not interested in helping the schools to recycle.
> I say pull the machines!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If schools want to
> serve sodas, then they should buy can machines, stock them themselves,
> keep the change (so-to-speak), and pay for a decent recycling program
> with profits.
> Good luck,
> Megan Kershner
> City of Boise, Idaho
> >>> David Stitzhal <stitzhal@no.address> 03/17/04
> 09:57AM >>>
> Hello GreenYes'ers,
> Does anyone have experience with, or knowledge of, school recycling
> programs (elementary through high school) that have successfully
> recruited the active participation of beverage vendors like Pepsi and
> Coke (or their local bottlers and distributors)?
> The Green Schools Program sponsored by the King County (WA) Solid
> Waste Division is working with schools to increase bottle and can
> recycling. We are hoping to actively engage the beverage contract
> holders that provide vending machines and drinks to the schools. The
> vendors currently pay a commission to the schools for each beverage
> sold. However, they do not currently support or participate in a
> recycling collection programs for the bottles and cans.
> We are considering a variety of options that could be written in to
> future beverage contracts issued by School Districts. These options
> range from asking vendors to provide large, bottle-shaped recycling
> containers to be placed next to every beverage machine, to requiring
> that the vendors actually participate in the collection of the
> containers.
> If you know of any examples of beverage vendors assisting with school
> recycling programs for their containers, I would appreciate your
> providing me with background and contact information.
> Thanks in advance. And I will be more than pleased to share our
> findings with anyone who wishes to see what we turn up.
> Cheers.
> David Stitzhal
> Project Manager, Green Schools Program
> stitzhal@no.address
> 206-723-0528
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