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RE: [greenyes] Open burning and NOx and VOCs

Hi John,

Contact Dwain Winters at EPA National Office: winters.dwain@no.address He
should be able to assist you.

Christine McCoy
Director, Environmental Programs
Rural Community Assistance Program
1522 K Street, NW #400
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: 202/408-1273 ext. 104
Fax: 202/408-8165
Email: cmccoy@no.address

-----Original Message-----
From: Reindl, John [mailto:Reindl@no.address]
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 3:52 PM
To: 'GreenYes@no.address'; 'waste@no.address'
Subject: [greenyes] Open burning and NOx and VOCs

Can anyone refer me to any studies on emissions of NOx or VOCs from the open
burning of solid waste?

Our county is looking at a broad range of measures to reduce the generation
of these ozone precursors.

Thanks much,

John Reindl, Recycling Manager
Dane County, WI

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