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SWANA's 2004 Excellence Awards Applications Due April 2, 2004!!! Isn't it about time that your program or facility is recognized for what it does best? With 13 different award categories encompassing the entire spectrum of solid waste activities, SWANA's Excellence Awards program is the most comprehensive waste-related awards program out there. New for 2004... Revised 2004 application process makes applying quicker and easier Winners will be honored in front of SWANA members and Association leadership at an expanded awards ceremony during WASTECON 2004 in Phoenix, Arizona (Sept. 21-23) Continued exposure throughout the year for selected winners, including opportunities to be showcased in a web seminar and be featured in our newsletter, MSW Solutions To learn more about the awards and download an application, visit http://www.swana.org/sections/innovate/awa_excellence.aspx Questions? - Steve Ridzon at 1-800-GO SWANA x241 _______________________________________________________________________ Powered by List Builder To unsubscribe follow the link: http://lb.bcentral.com/ex/sp?c=12744&s=A4EE06946F1273D6&m=1168 |
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