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[greenyes] International Conference in Boulder

Greetings all,

I am helping organize an international conference in Boulder of "global
practitioners" in sustainability. Last year was the first year, and it was
really good. However, they missed the whole Zero Waste angle, so the
conference founder, Steve Troy, has let me take over the Track called New
Economic Paradigms (NEP). I am seeking people to submit proposals for
papers, and the priority will be given to people that are in the trenches
actually creating and implementing new projects. I am also seeking folks
from the Global South who are doing this kind of work submit a paper
proposal. There is going to be some travel assistance funds provided by the
U.N. and others.

As you'll see in the attached "official invitation letter" below, we are NOT
focused on waste issues at all, but have narrowed our track issues down to
five, within which waste and recycling papers could be presented. There are
ten other tracks at this conference also, so you could write a paper about a
lot of topics!

Go check out the website for the conference ...
... and think about it. I was so impressed with the quality of the
attendees last year that I am really looking forward to the next one. The
focus of the meeting is reducing world poverty, and this conference is a
chance to bring the message that a new paradigm around "maximum recovery
discard management systems" (versus the current bury/burn options) is a
source of new jobs, new local wealth, and is a piece of the puzzle for
sustainable resource use on our planet.


Dear GreenYes folks,

I would like to invite you to participate and perhaps do a presentation
during our 2004 Sustainable Resources conference in Boulder, Colorado Sept.
27-Oct. 5. This conference is an exciting gathering of over 1,000 people
from many different disciplines, each working on practical, hands-on
solutions to world poverty. There will be speakers, workshops and panels in
each of the following areas: Practical Energy; New Economic Paradigms; Educa
tion; Ecotourism; Feeding the World; Sustainable Building Solutions; Designs
from Nature; Learning from Native Cultures; Bridging the Digital Divide;
Water for Life; Health; and Peacemaking, Conflict Resolution & Community

I am working with a team putting together the New Economic Paradigms
'track,' and GreenYes immediately came to mind as a great network to reach
out to. This track will have five focus areas:

(1) Emerging Investment Models for the New Economic Paradigm
(2) Corporate Participation in Poverty Abatement Strategies
(3) Microfinance: a Tool for Widespread Change
(4) The Social Enterprise Model For Self-Supporting Non-Profits
(5) Creating Jobs, The First Step To Hope and Dignity

If you're interested in presenting in one of these areas, please go to our
website and click on the 'submit a proposal'
link, where you will be asked to choose a login/password, and then submit
your 200 word proposal. You can apply to do a 20 minute presentation, a 2
hour workshop, or a pre/post conference workshop (1/2 day to 3 days).
Proposals are due March 15th, at which point all proposals will be reviewed
by committee. There will be limited funds available to help defray travel
costs; if you would not otherwise be able to come, please state your needs
at the bottom of your proposal. For more information about the conference,
please open the attached Call for Proposals or visit our website.


Eric Lombardi
Executive Director

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