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Re: [greenyes] CD/DVD recycling
We discovered these resources while researching EPA's "Life Cycle of a
CD or DVD" poster. It's geared towards kids, but contains some great
info. There are good resources listed on the back: 

- GreenDisk accepts them: 
- List of CD recycling companies (from NRC): 

Jill Ziegler
ERG, Inc. 
703 841-0680
703 841-1440 (fax) 

>>> "John R" <jr@no.address> 1/12/04 11:54:25 AM >>>
Is there a program in place to recycle CDs/DVDs?  A client of ours
inquired about this and we had no idea.  I would imagine that this could
be done, but I could be wrong.

Concerning paper recycling, I am wondering if facial tissues are the
last generation form (smallest fiber).  If you've ever grabbed for a
tissue in a hurry, you can sometimes see a dust eminate from it.  

And you have to wonder - is that dust made to promote more sneezing? 
Hee hee.

John Ralston
SLM Waste and Recycling Services 


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