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RE: [greenyes] student recycling awareness events...
We have Second Chance week in California (this year it's Oct. 18-26).
You may have something similar in Oregon.  It's a great opportunity to
do a campus-wide garage sale, clothing swap, recycled fashion show, etc.
Students love reuse. You can go to the site to find out more:

Heidi Feldman
Public Education Coordinator
Monterey Regional Waste Management District
Tel.: 831/384-5313     FAX: 831/384-3567

-----Original Message-----
From: michelle smith [mailto:pcrecycles@no.address] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2003 12:07 PM
To: RECYC-L Listserv; green yes listserv
Subject: [greenyes] student recycling awareness events...

With the school year just beginning and educating students about campus
recycling, I was thinking of different recycling awareness events I
could possibly organize throughout the year...Does anyone have any ideas
for recycling events/promotions/contests to do with students on college
campuses?  I am going to take the idea from Univ. of Oregon and have a
few reuseable mug coffee hours, but I also wanted to do some other
activities.  I'm just writing to see what anyone has done in the past/
what student groups may have done, etc...
Thanks in advance!
Take care,
Providence College

Michelle Smith
Recycling Progam
Office of Environmental Health and Safety
Providence College
Providence, RI  02918

(401) 865-1881

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