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RE: [greenyes] Estimating bottles "lost" to bottle bill
Hi Susan,

As you may know, it is illegal to redeem a deposit for a beverage container
for which a deposit was not paid.  Certainly there is some out-of-state
redemption going on.  This is a problem that would be eliminated by a
national container deposit law.  What state are you in and what bottle bill
state(s) does your state border?


Patricia Franklin
Executive Director
Container Recycling Institute
1911 N. Fort Myer Drive, Ste. 702
Arlington, VA 22209

TEL:   703.276.9800
FAX:   703.276.9587
EMAIL: pfranklin@no.address

-----Original Message-----
From: Susan Bush [mailto:suhubu@no.address]
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 8:14 AM
To: greenyes@no.address
Subject: [greenyes] Estimating bottles "lost" to bottle bill

Does anyone know of an incidence, or a study addressing the following:
A County (or State or Municipality for that matter) is not located in a
bottle bill state, but is in close proximity to one, and desires to estimate
the quanity of materials generated in the jurisdiction that are recovered in
the bottle bill state.

If a jurisdiction wants "credit" for recycling these materials that are
brought to bottle bill states (as opposed to landfilling them) -- how would
they go about this?

Similarly, are there any jurisdictions out there that are crediting backyard
composting tons as "recycled" ? If so, how is this estimation being made?
I'd assume a certain number of pounds per each houshold that has a bin?

Any feedback on these issues would be greatly appreciated!

Susan Bush

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