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Re: [greenyes] What would a $400 million Zero Waste Plan look like?

Your response is sure to fire up an interesting debate now !  You are obviousely implying here that the technologies you mention would qualify as zero waste initiatives.  That's an important question that the zero waste community is going to need to answer, and soon.  I know that in California they are discussing "conversion" technologies in a serious manner, and our venerable friend Gary Liss is officially engaged in those discussions on behalf of the GRRN.  I'm sure that Gary has his opinions, but I'm also sure he would like to hear from the folks on this list whether or not they agree with Leslie's suggestion here?

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Leslie Nowinski <lnowinski@no.address>
    To: Eric Lombardi <eric@no.address>
    Cc: greenyes@no.address <greenyes@no.address>
    Date: Friday, September 12, 2003 3:51 PM
    Subject: Re: [greenyes] What would a $400 million Zero Waste Plan look like?
    New technologies such as Plasma waste conversion, Gasification and Thermal Depolymerization that use MSW to create electricity or oil without creating pollution are something to consider. A company like Startech is a good place to start...
    On Wednesday, September 17, 2003, at 05:31 PM, Eric Lombardi wrote:
        Greetings GreenYessers,
        This proposed Broga incinerator has a $400 million price tag to handle 1,500 TPD. What would the 1.500 TPD Zero Waste Plan look like, and how much would it cost? Until we can answer that question, we haven't lived up to our potential. If anyone has the answer, there are some folks in Malaysia that would like to talk to you...and so would I. And let's be careful not to fall into that familiar old trap of creating only end-of-pipe solutions ... that's not Zero Waste, that's just Maximum Recovery.
        Eric Lombardi
        (Source: MalaysiaKini)
        "Malaysians not gullible customers of incineration salesmen " 
        Dr Spin 
        6:35pm Mon Aug 25th, 2003 
        Now that the release of the Broga environmental impact assessment report has been delayed until October, there is an opportunity for those who have not researched the subject of incinerator feasibility and safety to now do so.
        No one would expect every Malaysian resident or voter to check the international experience regarding incinerators, but those who make decisions and present cases for and against the project should surely do so.
        In one developed country after another, the findings have been the same - incineration of municipal waste is neither economically feasible nor safe. 
        The claimed benefits and safeguards cannot be proven while sensible analysis of issues such as toxic waste streams, site suitability and community risk versus benefits suggests that there are better and safer options. Waste reduction including zero waste strategies and recycling are not only options but essential measures for the future.
        In Australia, after years of attempting to develop the SWERF incinerator technology (Solid Waste to Energy Recycling Facility), the project was scrapped as being uneconomical as well as socially and environmentally unacceptable.
        The Broga site is particularly unsuitable for an incinerator as it is in valley among beautiful hills, forest and water catchment areas and close to a township which is a showpiece of good environmental care by residents.
        No site is really suitable for an incinerator. However, the fact that the authorities did not select a truly remote and well-ventilated site - but rather the Broga site which sits too close to human development and where the massive quantities of water vapour and waste emissions will not readily disperse - indicates a grave lack of understanding.
        Malaysian do care for the well-being of themselves and their children. They do not want to be seen a third-world, ignorant and gullible customer of ruthless and irresponsible big business.
        If Malaysians use the next two months to voice their concerns, the government may realise that it is not only the future of residents that is at stake - but also that of the government and the reputation of Malaysia.

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