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[GreenYes] Davis Signs Law to Boost TV, Computer Monitor Recycling
This story about the signing of SB 20 includes both positions:
1.  The bill is a good step forward
2.  The bill doesn't go far enough and we need producer responsiblity
seems like a good mix to me

Ted Smith

LA Times SB 20 story

Davis Signs Law to Boost TV, Computer Monitor Recycling

The nation's most comprehensive law to solve the machines' toxic waste problem could add to the cost of new models next July.

By Nancy Vogel
Times Staff Writer

September 26 2003

SACRAMENTO — Gov. Gray Davis signed the nation's most comprehensive law Thursday to speed recycling of discarded computer monitors and televisions, an estimated 6 million of which are stacked in California offices and homes waiting to be tossed.

The complete article can be viewed at:,1,6698567.story

Visit at

Ted Smith
Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition/Computer TakeBack Campaign
760 N. First Street,San Jose, CA 95112
408-287-6707-phone; 408-287-6771-fax
Food for thought: How Gandhi Defined the Seven Deadly Sins
· Wealth without work; · Pleasure without conscience; · Knowledge without character;· Commerce without morality;
· Science without humanity;· Worship without sacrifice;· Politics without principle

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