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RE: [greenyes] makeup of household garbage study
The state of Wisconsin recently released the results of its waste sort,
which can be accessed at

about half-way down the page you will find links to the reports in PDF
format. Wood, unrecovered paper and food waste were top percentages of
household wastes going into Wisconsin landfills.

David Wood
Madison, WI

-----Original Message-----
From: keith mcdonald [mailto:weedeat@no.address] 
Sent: Friday, August 29, 2003 8:47 AM
To: greenyes@no.address
Subject: [greenyes] makeup of household garbage study

I am doing a study Of American household garbage and asking what most is

made up as % wise 1.organice%   2. paper% 3. metal% 4. plastice% 5.
wood% 6. 
glass% 7 other% I would like your help on this please it will be a big
Thank you Keith McDonald

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