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[greenyes] New York City Recycling


    Thank you (below) for sharing the Comptrollers report that is in sharp
divergence with NYC's Sanitation Department claims that undergirded the
City's early curtailment of its recycling program.

    I also note from the report:

    "New York City's recycling and refuse costs are driven by two primary
factors - collectioncosts and disposal/processing costs. When evaluating the
fiscal implications of altering DOS's operations, one must consider how
changes in operations and services will impact both collection and disposal
costs. As demonstrated in my comments to the Mayoral and City Council
Recycling Task Force (Task Force), after the suspension of glass and plastic
recycling, DOS reduced its total number of collection truck-shifts per week
by less than 2%. The decision to collect glass and plastic as waste resulted
in large increases in the number of waste collection truck-shifts which
virtually eliminated the anticipated productivity benefits of this action.
Similarly, by not fully taking into account either anticipated revenue from
the recycling contracts or increased waste disposal costs resulting from
suspending glass and plastic recycling, DOS's anticipated savings from the
recycling reductions were not realized."

    With all the negative press for recycling that accompanied NYC's cutback
of recycling last year, I think it ought to behoove us to give us much
press publicity to the facts now that they are available.

    Can you or the national environmental groups in NYC do that?

Peter Anderson
4513 Vernon Blvd. Suite 15
Madison, WI 53705
Ph:    (608) 231-1100
Fax:   (608) 233-0011
Cell    (608) 438-9062
email: anderson@no.address

Date: Fri, 23 May 2003 14:40:40 -0400
To: "Greenyes list" <greenyes@no.address>,
        "GAIA Members" <gaia-members@no.address>
From: "Timothy J.W. Logan" <own@no.address>
Subject: NYC Comptroller releases report- "full" recycling could save City
$16 million in FY '04
Message-ID: <00b801c3215a$d0365220$0800a8c0@no.address>

 If only our administration would listen-

This is according to a report issued May 20th by the NYC Comptroller, =
for more detailed information, please check out the link below for the =
full report.

Timothy J.W. Logan
New York City Environmental Justice Alliance

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