Re: [greenyes] Plastics News - Opinion Piece on state bottle bills, etc
Subject: Re: [greenyes] Plastics News - Opinion Piece on state bottle bills, etc
From: Helen Spiegelman <hspie@no.address>
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2003 14:36:30 -0700
The cartoon contains an insight that supporters of bottle bills should pay
attention to. Legislators have to be careful in crafting "producer
responsibility" bills like bottle bills to pin the responsibility where it
belongs and will do the most good.
The plastic container industry is not responsible for the design or
production of beverage containers -- they are simply suppliers to the
beverage industry. That is why effective bottle bills place responsibility
on the brand-owners rather than the container producers. When the bottle
manufacturer (or for that matter the retailer) is responsible for Coke and
Pepsi's containers, this leaves Coke and Pepsi laughing all the way to the
On the other hand, once brand-owners are responsible for making sure their
bottles are returned and reused or recycled, then *they* will take steps to
build strong recycling markets by specifying *to their suppliers* that the
bottles should contain recycled content.
(Supply) chain reaction.
At 02:37 PM 04/28/2003 -0400, lkingeco2@no.address wrote:
Too bad about the cartoon with the opinion piece, which shifts the impact of
what Steve Toloken wrote to a less balance perspective in my opinion.