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[greenyes] Nominations for NRC's Policy Workgroup
Apply to Join NRC's Policy Workgroup

If you are interested in providing substantive input on the policy positions that National Recycling Coalition (NRC) develops, we have an exciting new opportunity for you. NRC is recruiting member volunteers to serve on the coalition's Policy Workgroup (PWG). The PWG plays an integral and vital role in developing policy positions and advocacy strategies for consideration and adoption by the NRC Board of Directors. 

The NRC is seeking nominations for candidates with the following background to serve on the PWG:

  a.. Current NRC member 
  b.. Expertise researching, developing and/or implementing recycling policies 
  c.. Committed to furthering recycling and fulfilling NRC's mission 
  d.. Experience serving as a constructive and thoughtful member of a deliberative body/workgroup 
  e.. Available for regular conference calls and email exchanges and possible in-person meetings 
If you would like to nominate someone or yourself for the PWG, please go the following link and fill out the nomination form by Friday, May 9: Based on a review and evaluation of the nominations, NRC's President Meg Morris will appoint up to seven new members to serve one year terms on the PWG. 


Michael Alexander
Senior Research Associate
National Recycling Coalition
P.O. Box 97
Brattleboro, VT 05301
(802) 254-3338

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