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Re: [greenyes] Plastics News - Opinion Piece

Plastics News (April 28, 2003) carries an interesting Opinion Piece by Steve 
Toloken on the growing interest at the state level and among major media in 
expanding current bottle bill laws in Massachusetts, Michigan, and New York.  
While he doesn't support or oppose the proposals, Toloken focuses on the 
relationship between these proposals and the fiscal crisis in state 

Toloken also address related issues from proposed plastic bag bans or taxes 
in the United States, to policies being advanced from Ireland to Taiwan.  He 
raises concerns among some in the business community about all these 
proposals, but notes the lack of effective alternatives from the beverage 
industry to reverse the declining beverage container recycling rates.

Here is the beginning of Toloken's opinion piece:

Sizing up burdens, boon of bottle bills
By Steve Toloken
(April 28, 2003) -- Quick, name one thing that the Detroit Free Press, the 
Boston Globe and the New York Times agree on.

Did you guess bottle-bill expansion? 

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