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Re: [greenyes] A vote for worms
- Subject: Re: [greenyes] A vote for worms
- From: Jenny Gitlitz <jenny.gitlitz@no.address>
- Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2003 16:06:45 -0400
I do not share (or understand) your frustration with vermicomposting. I
adore worm composting. I have moved with my worms three times, and I have
built countless differently-shaped and sized worm boxes. I have taken them
to my daughter's school for show & tell, and I have lain awake at night more
than once wondering if something I did caused these critters to freeze or
asphyxiate in my backyard... I have thrown parties where I served food
from my worm-casting-nourished garden, and have invited my neighbors to
build their own worm bins or give me their scraps. Many have obliged, and
have confessed that my enthusiasm for worms was infectious--as Mary's was to
me many years ago.
Worms are a wonderful, easy, harmless way for us to compost food waste, and
if anything, vermiculture should be expanded on a commercial scale.
According to EPA estimates, our nation landfilled or incinerated 25 million
tons of food waste in 2000. That could have been turned into a lot of
nutrient-packed worm castings, useable in organic gardens and mainstream
farms, commercial landscaping, etc. What a waste.
I think GreenYes is a perfect vehicle for dissemination of worm-related
education and lore. My hat is off to Mary Applehof, or as I like to
affectionately refer to her, Mary Applecore.
on 4/21/03 6:31 PM, Amy Perlmutter at amyperl@no.address wrote:
> I love worm composting and think there should be lots more of it. I am
> always interested in hearing about resources and events to support it.
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Date: Sat, 19 Apr 2003 20:31:41 EDT
>> To: mappelho@no.address, greenyes@no.address
>> From: Greendog03@no.address
>> Subject: worms
>> Message-ID: <169.1d73f5e8.2bd3446d@no.address>
>> --part1_169.1d73f5e8.2bd3446d_boundary
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
>> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>> Dear Green-list,
>> I think it is rude of Mary Appelhoff to periodically send her
>> self-promotional worm rants through this list, especially when one member was
>> so concerned that people cut and copy and not hit the reply button to save
>> bandwidth.
>> I am very under-impressed with the whole vermi-composting and I do not want
>> any more e-mails about it.
>> Sincerely,
>> Nisrene
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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Jennifer Gitlitz
Research Director, Container Recycling Institute
Home Office:
2 Pomeroy Ave.
Dalton, MA 01226
Tel. (413) 684-4746
eFax: (928) 833-0460
Email: jgitlitz@no.address
Container Recycling Institute headquarters:
1911 N. Ft. Myer Dr. #702
Arlington, VA 22209-1603
Tel. (703) 276-9800
Fax: (703) 276-9587
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