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Re: [greenyes] Single Stream
- Subject: Re: [greenyes] Single Stream
- From: "Joli Pfaller" <pfallerj@no.address>
- Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2003 12:49:58 -0700
As a call center operator in Oregon, I have had contact with residents in the times before curbside recycling was in place to when curbside was source seperated and now, to the three stream collection available.
At the time co-mingling (co-mangling) became popular, many callers thought it nonsensecal to mix things together when the hauler could have the resident sort for them. They wanted the extra involvement the source seperation entails.
That action made have given us more volume, but to some devout recyclers, t'was the beginning of the end of controlling the waste-stream by individuals and organized groups.
While I don't think reverting to source-seperation is going to happen at this point, many still use the recycling depots to be assured that their materials are indeed kept from the garbage stream.
Joli Pfaller
>>> Christine McCoy <cmccoy@no.address> 04/11/03 12:36PM >>>
Hello All -
Kudos to Peter for taking the bull by the horns. This issue has plagued me
for a while - having been in with the paper people in my last job. At first,
I thought the paper companies were just blowing smoke. However, after
looking at some of the research and the anecdotal evidence - I have to say
I'm NOT convinced that single stream is the way to go!!
I think I've spoken out on this before, so I thought I should do so again to
help support Peter!
The residual rates in these programs are UNACCEPTABLE to me as an advocate
for recycling and a joke to me as an everyday citizen. It's no wonder why
Michael Moore and others don't recycle - why should they if a 1/4 of what
they put into their bin is thrown out? The public perception issues alone
make me unable to support single stream collection.
Single stream collection also seems to want to make recyclable commodities
look like trash. Which is what we've been trying to fight against all these
years - isn't it?
Yes, this collection method apparently works in some cases - but evidence
indicates that it doesn't work well enough for me to say let's go for it!!
I have no doubt that emerging sorting technologies will make it a better
process overtime, but for now I'm not jumping on that bandwagon.
As for glass - I think it's a big problem - but do I want to see plastic get
a leg-up when their recycling rates are dismal at best? I'm thinking there
has to be a better way to deal with the glass issue.
Just my two cents...
Christine McCoy
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