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[greenyes] Re: "we don't really recycle, so why should i?" myth,
- Subject: [greenyes] Re: "we don't really recycle, so why should i?" myth,
- From: michelle smith <pcrecycles@no.address>
- Date: Wed, 9 Apr 2003 09:47:43 -0700 (PDT)
yes, this seems to be quite a problem. I think a public education program detailing the exact process of how everything is recycled will help. I am doing so this month in our monthly recycling newsletter for faculty and staff. I think just getting the word out repeatedly will help, at least in enclosed institutions like univerisities. as for munincipalities, i imagine it will be much more difficult...any thoughts?
RicAnthony@no.address wrote:In a message dated 4/9/2003 7:24:23 AM Pacific Daylight Time, pcrecycles@no.address writes:The cleaning company at our college has a pretty bad image, in so much as many faculty and staff believe that they do not really recycle their paper in the offices, but simply throw it in the trash. While this is not true (!),.... In an attempt to dispel this "we don't really recycle, so why should i?" myth, ....
Michael Moore who wrote "Stupid White Men" has a bit on why he doesn't recycle. He doesn't believe the stuff really is recycled and he has tells stories about Cities where companies have been seen throwing away separated recyclables.
We need to discuss this emerging excuse and how to counter it.
Michelle Smith
Recycling and Waste Reduction Progam
Office of Environmental Health and Safety
Providence College
Providence, RI 02918
(401) 865-1881
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