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RE: [greenyes] Query--bags for recycling
- Subject: RE: [greenyes] Query--bags for recycling
- From: "Steve G. Jarrett" <sjarrett@no.address>
- Date: Wed, 9 Apr 2003 11:17:28 -0400
We would love to partner with you on whatever bag needs you may have. We
could provide you with bags like you described made from 100% post consumer
recycled plastic bottles (polyester). Please feel free to contact me
personally to discuss what you're considering, my contact info is below...
Steve G. Jarrett
V.P. of Sales & Marketing
Clothes Made From Scrap, Inc.
6461 Conroy Road, Suite 906
Orlando, FL 32835
Direct Phone: (407) 578-8910
Direct Fax: (407) 445-8952
"Complete The Circle"
*** Don't just talk the talk, but walk the walk, by utilizing our 100%
recycled content clothing line! ***
Please feel free to visit our brand new sister site for any potential
non-recycled apparel needs too...
"Why Pay Retail?!"
-----Original Message-----
From: michelle smith [mailto:pcrecycles@no.address]
Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2003 10:21 AM
To: green yes listserv; RECYC-L Listserv
Subject: [greenyes] Query--bags for recycling
The cleaning company at our college has a pretty bad image, in so much as
many faculty and staff believe that they do not really recycle their paper
in the offices, but simply throw it in the trash. While this is not true
(!), they think this because when the cleaning company goes around with
their cleaning carts, they empty the trash and the paper into one container,
but within the container are 2 separate bags.
In an attempt to dispel this "we don't really recycle, so why should i?"
myth, I am looking into purchasing reusable bags to hang on the side of
cleaning carts, with "Recyclable Paper" or something printed on the bags, so
it is obvious to everyone that recycling is seperate and is happening.
So far, I have found one company, that makes bags like this, Bagit Systems
in Oregon (www.bagitsystem.com). Has anyone had any experience with them?
Also, can anyone recommend any other companies that make similar products?
Thanks in advance!
Michelle Smith
Recycling and Waste Reduction Progam
Office of Environmental Health and Safety
Providence College
Providence, RI 02918
(401) 865-1881
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