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Re: [greenyes] Chromated Copper Arsenate

Great news!

some may not know that we in SA were nearly the dumping ground for some cupric 
arsenide waste a few years ago.... our campaign was successful, but the research I 
did at the time showed what harm these compounds really do- well done to all who 
got this far!!

kind regards

On 19 Mar 2003 at 15:17, Peter Anderson wrote:

> NEW YORK TIMES - 3/18/03
> Agreement Reached on Use of a Pesticide
> ETHESDA, Md., March 17 (AP) - An accord between manufacturers of wood
> preservative and the Environmental Protection Agency was approved
> today to halt the use of an arsenic-based pesticide in most consumer
> products by January. Environmental groups asked the government to ban
> the chemical for use on wood playground equipment because they said it
> could increase children's risk of cancer. The Consumer Product Safety
> Commission said last month that children could face an increased
> lifetime risk of developing lung or bladder cancer from using
> playground equipment treated with the chemical, chromated copper
> arsenate. The commission staff urged delaying a decision on a ban
> until it had studied the environmental accord. "The C.P.S.C. has
> substantially underestimated the cancer risk," Jane Houlihan, a vice
> president of the Environmental Working Group, said in testimony to the
> commission. Her group and the Healthy Building Network, a coalition of
> consumer and environmental groups, petitioned in 2001 for a ban. "..."
> ______________________________ Peter Anderson RECYCLEWORLDS CONSULTING
> Corp 4513 Vernon Blvd. Suite 15 Madison, WI 53705 Ph:    (608)
> 231-1100 Fax:   (608) 233-0011 Cell    (608) 438-9062 email:
> anderson@no.address
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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