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[GreenYes] U.S.Bottle Bill deserves Support - Farmers Union perspective
- Subject: [GreenYes] U.S.Bottle Bill deserves Support - Farmers Union perspective
- From: "Bill Sheehan" <zerowaste@grrn.org>
- Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2002 13:40:06 -0400
The op-ed below ran in the Philadelphia Inquirer on
October 21, 2002. Larry Breech is president of the
Pennsylvania Farmers Union. The National Farmers
Union, with 300,000 members in 26 states, has also
endorsed Sen. Jeffords' National Beverage Producer
Responsibility Act, S. 2220.
/Bill Sheehan
GrassRoots Recycling Network
Requiring a deposit on all beverage containers
would bring jobs and cut litter.
By Larry Breech
Every year more than 114 billion single-
serve beverage containers made of
aluminum, plastic and glass become waste
or litter in the United States. Meanwhile,
the number of containers being recycled is
dropping fast.
In states like ours, where there are no
deposits on bottles, only about 10 percent
of plastic bottles are recycled. That
means 9 out of 10 bottles are buried or
burned as waste. More than half of all
aluminum cans also are wasted.
In our heavily agricultural state,
beverage containers tossed from car
windows onto farmers' fields present
special problems. Dairy cows suffer
lacerated organs - and die - after chewing
on cans. Plastic containers are ground up
in harvesters, contaminating hay, feed and
vegetable crops, causing millions of
dollars in damage.
The beverage industry knows how to solve
this: bottle bills. The 10 states with
bills requiring deposits on containers
recycled more containers than the
remaining 40 states put together.
There's a way that Pennsylvanians can
become part of this bottle-bill effort.
The National Beverage Producer
Responsibility Act, S. 2220, sponsored by
U.S. Sen. James M. Jeffords (I., Vt.)
provides a new approach to container
recycling. It addresses the concerns of
the industry without compromising the
public interest.
The Pennsylvania Farmers Union supports
this bill because it would place a value -
10 cents - on beverage containers,
dramatically reducing the number being
tossed onto roadsides, fields and city
streets. Not many people would toss dimes
from their car windows; and if they did,
others likely would pick them up. This
effort could provide fund-raising projects
for groups such as the Scouts and 4H
What's new about Jeffords' proposal is
that it sets a performance standard that
the industry must meet - 80 percent
recovery, the level currently achieved in
most of the 10 bottle-bill states. The
proposal also allows the industry the
freedom to design the most efficient
deposit-return program to reach that
By providing beverage companies the
flexibility to structure and operate their
own container-recovery programs, this
legislation takes advantage of container
distribution and handling systems already
in effect, allowing for more efficient
handling of returned beverage containers
without adding administrative costs.
A national bottle bill would create jobs,
reduce litter, save energy and protect the
environment. Iowa reports that as a result
of its bottle bill, 1,200 jobs have been
created. If every state had a deposit-
return system, a total of about 100,000
jobs could be created.
Existing beverage container recycling
programs reduce landfill space by 20
million cubic yards a year, or enough to
fill Veterans Stadium during an Eagles
game about 40 times.
But the real benefits are in energy and
pollution reductions.
By weight, aluminum cans are a small part
of the waste stream; but they represent 14
percent of the potential energy present in
municipal waste. Recycling saves 65
percent of the energy required to make new
cans from bauxite ore and other raw
materials. If processed correctly,
recycled cans could provide an enormous
energy source.
Recycling glass and certain kinds of
plastic bottles results in energy savings
of about 10 percent and 50 percent,
respectively. Reduced energy and raw
materials consumption also means a
reduction in pollution from manufacturing:
pollution that causes acid rain, smog,
global warming, and mercury-poisoned lakes
and streams.
A survey of 189 readers of Pennsylvania
Farmer magazine, randomly selected,
indicated that 98 percent favored a
returnable container law. Beverage
containers discarded on their property
made up the overwhelming majority of the
Livestock deaths, crop losses, feed
contamination, equipment damage and other
factors bring the average litter-related
loss in Pennsylvania to an estimated $938
per farm. There is little a community can
do about drought or disaster, but we can
do something positive about litter from
beverage containers by supporting
Jeffords' bil
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