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Fwd: [GreenYes] Flammability of plastic lumber?
- Subject: Fwd: [GreenYes] Flammability of plastic lumber?
- From: Gary Liss <gary@garyliss.com>
- Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2002 08:31:47 -0700
>Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2002 17:24:08 -0700 (PDT)
>From: floyd hammer <floydhammer@yahoo.com>
>ASTM has a flammability rating for plastic lumber
>which is published. Your associate could also contact
>the Plastic Lumber Trade Assoc. or check their web
>Plastic lumber, not PVC planking, will burn much like
>a candle. Both are made from polyolyphins and the
>fumes are not toxic though they are not particularly
>good smelling. In all the years I was involved with
>plastic lumber I can only remember one instance when
>fire was a problem and that was when someone set a
>small barbecue grill on top of a plastic picnic table.
Gary Liss
Fax: 916-652-0485
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