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Re: FW: [GreenYes] Re: Gas

For anyone who thinks this chain letter might possibly have the slightest grain of truth to it, please go to and do a search for "oil."  There you will find, virtually word-for-word, the ridiculous e-mail message that started this discussion.  For those who tend to fall for these internet hoaxes, I suggest you bookmark this site for quick reference when someone sends you one of these things.  Other sites to check the veracity of messages you get are and

Now, can we drop this and get back to something real?

Sharon Gates
Recycling Specialist
City of Long Beach, California

Jean-Louis Gaudet <>
Sent by:

10/03/2002 03:48 PM
Please respond to Jean-Louis Gaudet

        To:        "''" <>
        Subject:        FW: [GreenYes] Re: Gas

Has anyone (besides the Armantrout's) verified these numbers, or is this just another anti-Middle East chain letter to delete? I applaud the earlier replyers (sp?) to the original e-mail, who diverted the topic of the e-mail from its suspicious intent to one of real importance - fossil fuel overconsumption.


Jean-Louis Gaudet
Lura Consulting

1496 Lower Water Street, Suite 420
Halifax, NS  B3J 1R9
P: (902) 422-8088
F: (902) 422-6788

-----Original Message-----
From:                 Bob and Camille Armantrout
Sent:                 Thursday, October 03, 2002 3:02 PM
To:                 GreenYes
Subject:                 [GreenYes] Re: Gas

I started looking into this and read that:
"Phillips and its co-venturers-ExxonMobil (operator), Shell and BP
-- are negotiating terms with the Saudi government."
And that Conoco merged with Phillips in August of 2002:
That moves Conoco and Phillips into the first category, below, with the other major companies that import (or will be importing) Middle Eastern oil.
Camille Armantrout
Maui Recycling Service

Major companies that import Middle Eastern oil (for the period 9/1/00 - -8/31/01).
Shell................ 205,742,000 barrels
Chevron/Texaco....... 144,332,000 barrels
Exxon /Mobil......... 130,082,000 barrels
Marathon............. 117,740,000 barrels
Amoco................ 62,231,000 barrels

Here are some large companies that do not import Middle Eastern oil:
Citgo 0 barrels
Sunoco 0 barrels
Conoco 0 barrels
Sinclair 0 barrels
BP/Phillips 0 barrels
Hess 0 barrels

All of this information is available from the Department of Energy and can be easily documented. Refineries located in the U.S. are required to state where they get their oil and how much they are importing. They report on a monthly basis.
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