I am pleased to announce that my new video, Off The Books! Environment
& Human Rights, will be broadcast in September and October on the
Free Speech TV satellite and cable networks. I invite you to help
get the word out, encourage local cable and public TV stations to
broadcast the video, and conduct house parties or public screenings in
your area. The first broadcast date is September 8, at 7:30 eastern
By now we have all heard of Enron and Worldcom, where
lawyers and accountants may have hidden billions of dollars in financial
debt. But little light has been shed on another loophole in
corporate accounting. Lawyers and accountants at many large
companies are hiding environmental, product safety and labor problems
from investors. Like financial debt, these represent hundreds of billions
of dollars of hidden corporate liabilities -- leaving us all in the dark
as to what a company is really worth and whether its leaders are
Off the Books! Environment & Human Rights is a thirty minute
video that tells what happens when corporations leave human rights,
health, and environment off the books and out of mind. It moves from the
stories of asbestos, to medical devices, paper industry and human
rights in Burma. But most of all we believe it makes a powerful
case for how better enforcement and standards by the Securities and
Exchange Commission could help to begin bringing Wall Street and
Corporate America into line with societyıs values.
The video is part of a national campaign for better disclosure on
environment and human rights, led by the Corporate Sunshine Working Group
- an alliance of investors, academics, and activists. As part of CSWG's
emerging campaign, we are currently planning community and academic
screenings throughout the U.S. Visit our website at
to watch a trailer and learn more.
More information on how to participate follows below.
Sanford Lewis
Attorney and Filmmaker
781 894-0709
Education and Outreach Campaign