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[GreenYes] Defense of Recycling
- Subject: [GreenYes] Defense of Recycling
- From: RJayW2@aol.com
- Date: Wed, 31 Jul 2002 12:57:24 EDT
In most states, the recycling statistics speak for themselves and need little
defending. Sometimes the "defense" hurts the cause because responses to many
of the anti-recycling pieces that have appeared in the New York Times and
other places in recent years have been somewhat shrill, with a heavy
dependence on "feelings" without facts.
The economics of recycling have changed dramatically since 1998, particularly
on the municipal level. Here, mayors and city councils are facing tight
budgets and dwindling revenues--compared to surpluses they enjoyed spending
four years ago. Now, local politicians are having to decide between such
services as recycling, police, public parks, libraries. Which service cuts
impact the voters most?
Defenders of recycling in New York City are 100% right on in their arguments
that the service should not be cut for a variety of reasons. The defenders
are mute though, in suggesting where New York City budget cuts should be made
in order to save parts of the city's recycling program. "Cut somewhere else"
is not a credible argument in saving a recycling program...or any other
public program.
In bad economic times the basics should be preserved and the fat trimmed
back. I think recycling is a basic service that should be preserved. We
never hear about cutting back waste disposal programs that involve
Something to think about hopefully!
John Waddell
KJWB Publications/Refuse News
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