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RE: [GreenYes] Fw: BOUNCE greenyes@grrn.org: Non-member submission from ["Gavin Coulson" <meta@acenet.co.za>]
- Subject: RE: [GreenYes] Fw: BOUNCE greenyes@grrn.org: Non-member submission from ["Gavin Coulson" <meta@acenet.co.za>]
- From: Tom Rhodes <tom.rhodes@ncmail.net>
- Date: Mon, 22 Jul 2002 12:06:52 -0400
Hi Chris, Nicholas and all,
I would suggest the use of tapioca, wheat, rice or some vegetable
matter with longer fibers (pumpkin perhaps) that would act as a binder to
link the potato starch together. Shredded wheat cereal may work. The fibers
would act much the same way as fiberglass strands that are used to
strengthen polyester or polypropylene in satellite dishes and fiberglass
car parts.
Best wishes,
Tom Rhodes
-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Sparnicht [mailto:chris@grrn.org]
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2002 10:45 AM
To: GreenYes
Subject: [GreenYes] Fw: BOUNCE greenyes@grrn.org: Non-member submission
from ["Gavin Coulson" <meta@acenet.co.za>]
I've been going through non-member bounces and found this.
While it would be appropriate to send to Nicholas directly,
feel free to copy links, suggestions, recipes to GreenYes as well.
His address is: meta@acenet.co.za
----- Original Message -----
Hello, Im a 13 year old boy from South Africa and I am doing a science =
project. I am trying to make biodegradable cups from potatoes and I have =
made about 40 and they all crack. I added a whole bunch of different =
stuff such as calcium carbanate, oil, eggs and starch plus water and =
they all cracked. Can you possibly send me a recipe?
I would be really grateful
Nicholas Coulson
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