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[GreenYes] In search of a book on using recycling to teach English as asecond language
- Subject: [GreenYes] In search of a book on using recycling to teach English as asecond language
- From: "Blair Pollock" <bpollock@co.orange.nc.us>
- Date: Tue, 09 Jul 2002 15:15:06 -0400
Some years ago (mid 90's) somewhere in Minnesota, someone published a book that used recycling and other environmental activities to teach English to adults primarily, but it was also useful at the k-12 level. I once had a copy, it's gone, now I am in search of another. Does anyone know how I may be able to find this book (or something else like it?) Our area is now over 10% Spanish speaking, kind of happened 'overnight' and there is happily a booming demand for Spanish language recycling info. Thanks.
Blair Pollock
Solid Waste Programs Manager
(919) 968-2788
fax: (919) 932-2900
PO Box 17177
Chapel Hill, NC 27516-7177
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