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[GreenYes] Unwanted Emails
I don't know if anyone else is getting emails from people asking for help
for socio or political disadvantaged people in Africa and Asia.   I am
beginning to get a couple a day from several different emails.  I am
guessing that they copied my email from the GRRN listserve.  

I've tried to get rid of them but of course if I reply to any of the
emails only more start coming.  I've snipped a piece of the most recent
one titled "private".

Any hints from folks out there?

Ann Schneider

---- snip ----
You may be surprised to receive this letter from me since you do 
not know me personally. I am David Mapele the first son of Dr.Yonathan 
mapele,the most popular black farmer in Zimbabwe who was recently 
murdered in the land dispute in my country. I got your contact
online hence decided to write you.

-- cut

Contact me with the above telephone number and E-mail addresse or 
private mail box,
This is the begining of a lasting transaction between you me,and the
entire mapele family.

--- end snip ----
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