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[GreenYes] mining, materials, and sustainable development
- Subject: [GreenYes] mining, materials, and sustainable development
- From: Amy Perlmutter <amyp@chelseacenter.org>
- Date: Mon, 06 May 2002 11:20:33 -0400
Dear reader
The MMSD Final Report, entitled Breaking New Ground: Mining,
Minerals, and Sustainable Development, is now available electronically and
can be downloaded from the MMSD website: www.iied.org/mmsd/finalreport.
The chapters available are the pre-published version of the Report,
and do not include photographs. The final published form of Breaking New
Ground will be available in July from Earthprint and Earthscan, and will
come complete with a CD-ROM including MMSD regional and national reports,
commissioned work and other Project materials. For further information on
how to order and buy a copy of the Report, see
A press release to accompany the finalisation of the Report is also
available: www.iied.org/mmsd/mmsd_pdfs/pressrelease_finalreport.pdf.
MMSD Project
1a Doughty Street
London WC1N 2PH
Tel +44 20 7269 1630
Fax +44 20 7831 6189
Email mmsd@iied.org
Amy Perlmutter
Executive Director
Chelsea Center for Recycling and
Economic Development
University of Massachusetts
80 Everett Ave, Suite 221
Chelsea, MA 02150
617-887-2300/fax 617-887-0399
visit our web site at www.chelseacenter.org
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