-----Original Message-----
From: owner-greenyes@grrn.org [mailto:owner-greenyes@grrn.org]On Behalf Of Sharon_Gates@ci.long-beach.ca.us
Sent: Monday, April 22, 2002 4:22 PM
To: greenyes@grrn.org
Subject: Re: [GreenYes] Wasteless 2002 World Cup
This brings up something that I was just thinking about this weekend. On Friday afternoon, I checked into a hotel and found a card in the bathroom that indicated that, as an environmental measure, towels would only be washed if you left them on the floor. I was pleasantly surprised to see this, and next morning my husband and I left our towels on the shower curtain bar so they would not be washed. When we got back to our room later in the day, we found all fresh bath linens, contrary to what the card had indicated would happen. When I mentioned this to the clerk upon check-out, I was told that, in fact, the laundry is closed 2 days a week, and the card is there so people won't be upset when their towels don't get washed those two days. I told the clerk that they shouldn't say one thing and do another. She seemed sympathetic, but I'm sure my comment went nowhere.
Clearly, someone in the management of this hotel got the message somewhere/sometime that hotel guests would respond positively to a simple act of environmental sensitivity. Management apparently did not get the message that hotel guests would likely react negatively to being lied to, nor did they get the message that the hotel could show some actual environmental sensitivity through minor measures like button valves on the shower heads, real cups and coffee mugs instead of disposables, recycled content toilet paper and tissues, &c.
So, does anyone have any information on the state of "greening" the hospitality industry?
Sharon Gates
Recycling Specialist
City of Long Beach, California
Phone: 562/570-4694
Fax: 562/570-2861
" C E F G :-)" <hither@mm.com>
Sent by: owner-greenyes@grrn.org04/22/2002 11:43 AM
Please respond to " C E F G :-)"
To: "GRRN - GreenYes" <greenyes@grrn.org>, <waterheat@hanmail.net>
Subject: [GreenYes] Wasteless 2002 World Cup
Having attended the Winter Olympics in Salt Lake I was very disappointed
in what I saw and experienced. At the venues it was "difficult-at-best"
to find the recycling containers. Also the looked almost identical to
the trash cans. Most disappointing was the lack of recycling at the
hotels, etc. If the games are to be considered Zero Waste then there
needs to be a system in place to accommodate ALL the trash generated.
Recycling and reduction JUST at the venues/stadiums is only a "feel good
fabrication"... C. William
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