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[GreenYes] chlorine
Yes. The IJC has repeatedly called for the phase-out of chlorine as a
chemical feedstock. I'm sure you can find out more on their website:
www.ijc.org (see Publications, Biennial Report)
Don Hughes
At 03:15 PM 03/15/2002 -0800, Helen Spiegelman wrote:
>Interesting. I thought the phase-out applied only to packaging
>applications. This broader phase-out sounds like the direction that the
>Canadian/American International Joint Commission (?) was headed a few years
>ago when they talked about phasing out 'chlorine'. Anyone know any details
>about that?
>At 09:40 AM 03/15/2002 -0500, Michele Raymond wrote:
>>Swedish retailers are having a difficult time replacing vinyl for basic
>>things like pool stuff and flooring, etc.
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Don Hughes Dept. of Chemistry
315-470-6597 431 Jahn Lab
SUNY-College of environmental science & forestry
"If all economists were laid end to end, they would not reach a
George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)
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