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[GreenYes] Next IMF World Bank Meeting in W DC April 20-21
Gosh an unusual earthday event.
Ann Schneider
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2002 6:44 PM
Subject: IMF / World Bank protests April 19-22


Call to Action by The Mobilization for Global Justice (the DC version of the Seattle organizers)

On April 20-21, the World Bank and IMF will hold another round of meetings
at their headquarters in Washington, DC.  These meetings come in the wake
of the economic crisis in Argentina, where the free-market policies pushed
around the world by the World Bank and IMF unravelled, destroying the
livelihoods of much of the population.  They also come after the collapse
of the multinational giant Enron which has served as a magnifying glass
for the strength of corporate power and crookedness in the United States,
the country which serves as both model and sponsor for the agenda of
corporate globalization.  The Moblilization for Global Justice calls on
activists from around the country to assemble in Washington, DC on the
weekend of April 19-22 for a protest against the World Bank and IMF.  Now
is the time to show that there is an alternative to a world of poverty and
nstability.  The movement for global justice is alive and well.

That weekend, several other protests against different forms of U.S.
militarism will take place: Plan Colombia, The School of the Americas, The
War on Terrorism.  The Moblilization for Global Justice would like to
endorse the idea that these are part of the same fight for global justice.
The military arms of U.S. domination abroad work hand in hand with
economic institutions like the world bank and IMF.  The privatizations,
forced relocations and economic austerity measures pushed by the World
Bank and IMF never happen without resistance and military force is
repeatedly the antidote chosen by those with a stake in these programs.
MGJ encourages all those who come out to protest the Bank and IMF to also
attend these events.

So mark your calanders for the weekend of April 19-22.  For activists in
the DC area who want to take part in the organizing of this event, a
general MGJ organizing meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 27th at
St. Stephen's Church on 15th and Newton in which new working groups will
be formed.  We will need as many people as possible to take part in
outreach, media, logistics and more.

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