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Re: [GreenYes] glass recovery from commingled curbside program
This has been a fascinating discussion, I agree.

The igloos are a good idea until all jurisdictions realize the answer is a
deposit on all glass containers to ensure their return to the system. Then
we can also refill more glass like we used to.

British Columbia has a deposit on all glass beverage containers including
pop, wine, beer, and liquor bottles. It is not an answer for pickles, jam,
etc., but it is a start. Of course, a few enlightened states also have
bottle bills.

We need user charges to promote global sustainable use of resources. The
deposit legislation is a step in that direction.

The question is: how do we get the resources humans use back into the
production system and out of the waste system. There isn't any one answer.
In the case of glass, if glass is contaminated when collected curbside, a
different approach is needed. Return to retailer, drop-off collection
igloos, refund centers, etc. provide a much better way to collect glass to
ensure its maximum refillability and reusability. Deposits, producer
responsibility programs, user charges are the way to go.

The ultimate goal is zero waste. Recycling is just one small step toward
zero waste.

The German Advisory Council on Global Change has just issued a paper
"Charging the Use of Global Commons"
 specifically recommending charges for the use of the sky and oceans. We
need a similar concept for the use of Earth's resources to stop the current
subsidization of resource extraction, as many people on this list have
pointed out.

Have a look at the strategy of the world's first country (New Zealand) to
embrace the idea of moving towards zero waste at

We need to think beyond recycling, reuse, and remanufacturing even though
they may always be there is some small way. The ultimate goal is zero or
damn close to it!

That's my two cents worth!

Michael Jessen
toenail environmental services
5635 Highway 3A
Nelson, BC V1L 6N7 Canada
Office Phone: 250/229-4621
Home Phone: 250/229-5632
Fax: 775/587-9838

If you're not in favour of zero waste, how much waste are you in favour of?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Eric Lombardi" <>
To: "'Susan Hubbard'" <>; <>
Cc: <>; <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 10:59 AM
Subject: RE: [GreenYes] glass recovery from commingled curbside program

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