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[GreenYes] Re: alternative Glass re-use

Although we're not implementing such a concept/strategy in our juridiction, the municipality I recently left had a single-stream, commingled recycilng program in which much of the collected glass was broken.  I had advocated over the years to either 1) eliminate glass from the program or 2) find a suitable beneficial reuse for it as in the types of applications to which you're referring.  Broken glass made up approx. 50% of all the residue by weight in that program.  Our leaders thought that to suggest doing away with glass recycling would be enviro-political suicide so that kept it in the program and simply suffered the ill-effects of a poor market economy for the glass and the high residue rates.

Good luck.

B. Wayne Turner
City of Winston-Salem
Utilities Division
phone: (336) 727 8418

>>> melissa terry <> 03/07/02 07:34PM >>>
dear list folks,

our community in northwest arkansas is sufferring from
depreciating glass markets as well and we are
considering scrapping (no pun intended) the concept of
glass recycling in its traditional form. 

this does not mean we are considering the cessation of
our glass collection program...just that we've come to
realize that it's time to "think outside the

we're thinking that it's time to consider glass
aggregate and its pulverized smaller grades as
alternatives to gravel, milling and sand. 

currently, we are working with our street and
engineering divisions to develop quantity estimates
for using this aggregate and its derivitives as base
fill, leach line fill, etc.

my question to you is: do you know of other
communities out there implementing this
concept/marketing strategy?

if so, could you please get in touch with me and/or
send me contact info for programs that come to mind?

thanks in advance,
melissa terry
sustainable environment educator
city of fayetteville 
fayetteville, arkansas


--- Wayne Turner <> wrote:
> Hi Jerry,
> While you may be technically correct about the glass
> industry not losing significant market share over
> the last 5 years, isn't the point that glass, as a
> refillable and therefore more sustainable and
> therefore environmentally preferable packaging
> medium, has lost tremendous market share over the
> last 25 -30 years if you consider all goods that
> could be packaged in glass?  If we take a narrow
> enough view, 5 years or less, then we can't see this
> bigger picture.  It's sort of like boiling the frog
> in the pot by slowly increasing the heat vs.
> dropping it into a pot of boiling water.  Or, am I
> missing the point.  If so, please enlighten me.
> Thanks.
> B. Wayne Turner
> City of Winston-Salem
> Utilities Division
> phone: (336) 727 8418
> email: 
> >>> <> 03/06/02 07:34PM >>>
> Glass is not losing "significant marketshare," has
> has been suggested on this 
> listserv.  Domestic glass container shipments over
> the past five years are 
> down less than one percent annually.  Much of this
> loss can be explained by 
> the weakening demand for alcoholic beverages, given
> that more than 60 percent 
> of glass production goes to this market.  It is more
> accurate to say that 
> glass is a mature product.  However, it remains the
> favored package for many 
> products, including premium beers, microbeers,
> liquor, wine, pickles, relish, 
> etc.  
> Jerry Powell, Editor
> Container Recycling Report
> Resource Recycling, Inc.
> PO Box 42270
> Portland, OR 97242-0270
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