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Re: [GreenYes] recycled paper and styrofoam cups
Just a few ideas of successful things that were done at my undergrad and
graduate schools to minimize styrofoam/plastic usage:
* giving out (or selling at a subsidized cost) personal to-go coffee mugs,
preferably with a handle and a caribiner/clip so that empty mugs are easily
attachable to a backpack (maybe include this in the overall meal plan
* set up a regular way of collecting cafeteria plates and utensils from
dormitories - a milk crate in the dorm kitchen worked well at my school,
students would deposit plates, mugs, etc. in the crate and a cafeteria staff
member would drive around once every week or two to collect them from the
dorms. Realistically, people won't stop taking stuff from the cafeteria.
* educate students, cafeteria staff, procurement, etc. on the environmental
impacts of disposable materials such as styrofoam. Create user-friendly

Good luck!

on 3/6/02 11:52 AM, Smith, Kathryn at wrote:

> It sound like you need to talk to the cafeteria staff or food services
> provider.  Ask them to not put the foam cups out for students to take.  It
> is probably costing the school a lot of unneeded funds, in addition to the
> environmental issue.  Students should have to go to the cafeteria counter to
> ask for a to-go cup if they need one.  I bet a lot fewer students will take
> them if they are not out and up for grabs.
> Does anyone know of a company that manufactures paper coffee cups made with
> recycled fibers?  That would be an improvement over styrofoam, if it's
> impossible to get people away from the disposable mindset.  Or at least get
> them to buy paper cups made with unbleached paper, so that it's a more
> environmentally friendly product in the area of fewer toxics.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stephen N Weisser []
> Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2002 10:18 AM
> To: Laura English;
> Subject: RE: [GreenYes] recycled paper and styrofoam cups
> I attended an Earth Day/Week program at Millersville University
> ( and I forget what their dining services did (or if they did)
> anything to encourage using glass cups...They had the same issues as you
> site, that I do remember.  Perhaps a club/student group could get on this
> cause and make posters or get some kind of campaign going.
> Steve
> ----
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []On Behalf
> Of Laura English
> Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2002 9:51 AM
> To:
> Subject: [GreenYes] recycled paper and styrofoam cups
> Wow!  I am very glad I joined Greenyes.  In less than
> 24 hours, I have received so many great ideas to take
> to my meeting with the president.  With the
> information I've received in hand, I suppose my next
> step is to find out how much we pay for the
> copy/printing paper (100% made in Brazil, by the way),
> as well as whether we have a contract with the paper
> company.
> As for the use of styrofoam cups in the cafeteria...
> I received the suggestion to convince the cafeteria to
> charge more for a drink in a styrofoam cup than a
> glass one; unfortunately that isn't possible b/c at
> our school students can eat or drink as much as they
> want at an individual meal.  Our housing and food plan
> pay for as much food as we want.  Another one of the
> reasons students use styrofoam cups (and plates and
> bowls) is that there is sometimes a shortage of the
> regular dishes b/c so many students take them back to
> their room with them.  I suppose that problem needs to
> be tackled first and then I can speak with the
> director of dining services about the styrofoam cups
> (maybe I can convince him to put a sign there
> encouraging students to only use the styrofoam cups if
> they are taking their drink out of the cafeteria--not
> ideal, but a step).
> Thanks again for everyone's help and great advice!
> -Laura English
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