The climate on PEI regarding the container regs is
quite complex. I would disagree strongly with the editorial claims that
there is substantial opposition to the legislation. I would suggest that
there is a strong voice in opposition to the regs but that voice is not
representative of the majority of Islanders. That voice has however now become
quite sophisticated in attracting national media and communicating its message
much more effectively.
Islanders have been bombarded by media and
information that tries to position their province as being in the dark ages and
behind the times as a result of their container regs. Why is PEI the only
province or state legislating refillables, Islanders are asked. Is
everyone else wrong and tiny little PEI right.
Recently a bridge has been built linking PEI with
the Canadian mainland and this has aggravated the problem. Islanders now
have easy access to one way beverage containers from the mainland and are
actually breaking the law if they put a case in the trunk of their car and bring
it home.
Human nature, the quest for convenience and a much
more effective voice against the regulations is the enemy here (not discounting
the obvious strong influence of multi national commercial interests). PEI
has a population of 135,000 people. The grassroots support of the status
quo has been heard and continues to voice their opinions. PEI needs the support
of those off island to counter the ever growing off island attack on the
provincial ministry to compliment the pro regulation camp.
---- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2002 2:25 PM
Subject: Re: [GreenYes] Threat to PEI Bottle Bill While "letters from outside of Canada congratulating the PEI government in maintaining the legislation and applauding their courage might help," it seems there is a fundamental issue that must be addressed if PEI is to maintain their forward-thinking ban on cans and non-refillable bottles: the residents of PEI must be brought on board in support of the ban. The newspaper article implies that there is substantial opposition to the ban among PEI residents. Accurate or not, no amount of congratulatory letters from outside will counter-balance a combination of citizen dissatisfaction and multinational corporate pressure. If there is, in fact, grass roots support for the ban, then that support should be nurtured and expanded through public outreach and education. Sharon Gates Recycling Specialist City of Long Beach, California Phone: 562/570-4694 Fax: 562/570-2861
Request for Help The Province of Prince Edward Island (PEI) on the east cost of Canada has the most stringent and forward thinking beverage container legislation in North America. The legislation demands that all carbonated beverages and beer must be bottled in refillable glass. It is illegal to sell canned soft drinks or beer on the island. Needless to say, this tiny province's legislation is less than popular with the suits in Atlanta who regularly visit the island to tell the provincial environment minister that he needs to get with the program and start allowing consumers to choose the packaging they want. They would also prefer if little was known about this legislation outside of PEI. The heat has been on the Province for years to change the legislation but they have always stayed the course and maintained that this bill has strong environmental merit as well as eliminating litter. Yesterday an editorial was published in the National Post (a right wing national newspaper) slamming the legislation and throwing more gasoline on the fire. Copy Below. There has been a lot of discussion on PEI questioning the need to continue this legislation and when a credible voice (?) issues a strong statement against the legislation, it carries a lot of weight on PEI. That is precisely why your letter could help. Letters from outside of Canada congratulating the PEI government in maintaining the legislation and applauding their courage might help. Please take a few moments to write a letter to the editor of the National Post explaining why you feel the legislation is a ground breaker in North America and should be modelled not questioned. Please copy me on your letter, Much Thanks
Jed Goldberg President Earth Day Canada 296 Richmond Street West Toronto ON M5V 1X2 Canada v - 416.599.1991 ex 111 f - 416.599.3100 |