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[GreenYes] Fw: Nova Scotia Announces Paint Recycling Program
- Subject: [GreenYes] Fw: Nova Scotia Announces Paint Recycling Program
- From: "Jed Goldberg" <jgoldberg@earthday.ca>
- Date: Fri, 1 Mar 2002 11:52:19 -0500
Another program launched by the Province of Nova Scotia
----- Original Message -----
From: Barry K Friesen <FRIESEBK@gov.ns.ca>
To: <undisclosed-recipients:;>
Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2002 2:22 PM
Subject: Nova Scotia Announces Paint Recycling Program
Paint Recycling Program Announced
Environment and Labour
Feb. 28, 2002
A new paint-recycling program in Nova Scotia will recover thousands of
litres of paint and paint cans and will create employment throughout the
province. David Morse, Minister of Environment and Labour, announced the
program today, Feb. 28, at the annual RRFB Nova Scotia award ceremony in
He said the program, which will go into effect on June 1, will allow
consumers to return surplus paint to any one of the province's 85 recycling
depots at no charge. The paint will then be shipped to a paint-recycling
operation in Springhill, which will turn it into new paint.
"Thanks to the teamwork of RRFB Nova Scotia, the Department of Environment
and Labour and the paint manufacturing industry, we have been able to come
up with a program that has no charge-back to the consumer," said Mr. Morse.
"Nova Scotians buy more than two million containers of paint every year.
Much of that ends up stacked in people's basements until they finally throw
it away. Under this new program, we will recover and recycle this wasted
resource, which will then be used by the Springhill plant to produce about
350,000 litres of recycled paint every year."
The program is expected to create new jobs at the Springhill plant and at
recycling depots all around the province.
"Springhill is becoming quite an arena for environmental ingenuity," said
Mr. Morse. "Now the town has an innovative industry based solely on a
recycled product. This is a testament to Springhill's hard work and
commitment to improving the province's environment."
The new program will be administered by RRFB Nova Scotia, formerly the
Resource Recovery Fund Board.
"RRFB Nova Scotia is very excited about administering the new paint
recycling program," said Derek Firth, RRFB Nova Scotia's Chief Operating
Officer. "The program is another step in Nova Scotia's long-term solid
waste-resource management strategy, which has already created more than a
thousand jobs and produced a cleaner and healthier environment."
Barry Friesen
Environment and Labour
Phone (902)424-2645
Cell: (902)497-4664
Email: friesebk@gov.ns.ca
Barry Friesen, P. Eng.
Solid Waste-Resource Manager
Nova Scotia Department of Environment and Labour
(902) 424-2645
(902) 424-0569 fax
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