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[GreenYes] ZERI Seminar 2/4/02 near Santa Fe, New Mexico
Apologies for Cross-Postings

You are invited to training on the cutting edge of Zero Waste!

To:             ZERI All-day Seminar with Gunter Pauli
When:   Monday, February 4, 2002
Where:  Outside Santa Fe, New Mexico
For Seminar info:       Lynda Taylor, Sustainable Communities, Inc.
                         505-986-1454; Fax: 505-986-6019
For ZERI info:; Recent book: Upsizing by Gunter Pauli
-       Intro to ZERI concept (more jobs, more income, no pollution; ZERI 
models natural ecosystems; ZERI is based on systems design, bringing 
social, ecological and economic elements together for sustainable development)
-       ZERI Due Diligence (financial logic of ZERI; pollution prevention; 
value added; waste is not the problem - doing nothing of value with waste is)
-       Lunch - Video of ZERI projects
-       ZERI Design (ZERI methodology; discovering the hidden assets)
-       ZERI Case Studies (worldwide, New Mexico, US/Mexico Border)
-       Resources to learn more (Books, Videos, CD-ROM, Courses, 
Curriculum, Certification programs)

I apologize for the late posting, but I just heard about this at NRC last 
week, and got details this week.  I'm going and encouraging other key US 
Zero Waste experts to attend.  If you're thinking about Zero Waste, working 
on Zero Waste or hoping to train others on Zero Waste, this is a unique 
opportunity to learn from one of the world's best hands-on experts and 
practitioner in the field.

Monday, 1/28, is the last day for 7 day advance plane reservations to get 
the best airfares.  I'm flying on America West from CA for $236.  Also 
check out or (Southwest).

Hope to see you there!

Gary Liss
Gunter Pauli is an internationally renowned sustainable development 
economist, zero emissions expert, author, lecturer and father. We are 
fortunate to have Gunter spending this time with us in New Mexico to share 
activities and a vision of sustainable communities worldwide and the 
possibilities for NM.
Mr. Pauli was the President of Ecover (production of "green" biodegradable 
detergents). In 1994, he founded and now directs the Zero Emissions 
Research Initiative (ZERI) in Geneva, Switzerland and Tokyo, Japan. He 
lectures regularly around the world to businesses, governments, 
universities and communities on using the ZERI approach which promotes 
sustainable use of natural resources and non-polluting activities from 
waste that increase products, jobs, and profits and eliminates pollution 
and waste.
He has written a number of articles and books, including his most recent 
"Upsizing," and has developed ZERI educational curriculum for elementary 
through university levels. You can visit the website at for 
more information.

Gary Liss
Fax: 916-652-0485

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