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[GreenYes] Inerts & ADC Workshop 11/27 in LA
Apologies for Cross-Postings

Presents A Workshop on Inert Disposal and Accounting Issues

Hosted by The Los Angeles and Orange County Chapters of CRRA

November 27, 2001, 8:30 am to 1:30 pm, Pasadena Hilton Hotel
168 South Los Robles Avenue, San Gabriel Room

Sponsored by: City of Arcadia, Local Agency Technical Council,


8:15 am Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:50 am:  Welcome from CRRA's Los Angeles and Orange County Chapters
9:00  am  Laws and Policies Related to Inerts Disposal and Accounting
John Davis, CRRA President and Policy Co-Chair
The CRRA President and Policy Co-Chair will give an update on current CRRA 
CIWMB Representative , invited
A CIWMB representative will speak about Construction & Demolition debris 
facility regulations, specifically with regard to inerts, including the 
history of the process and possible future actions that the Board is 
considering.  The CIWMB has also been invited to give an update on the 
statewide inert landfill study commissioned earlier this year.

10:00 am: Break

10:15 am:  Debate:  Consensus or Contention?
Hear arguments from local government, the CIWMB, affected inert sites, 
waste hauling industry, and landfill opponents.  Questions will be asked by 
a panel of questioners, and will be debated by a panel of industry experts.

11:30 am: Ask the Panel
All workshop participants will be invited to submit questions to the 
moderator, who will organize the questions and pose them to the panel of 

12:00 Lunch and Lunch Speaker
Explore potential legislative and regulatory fixes to the problems on which 
there is consensus and how we might forge a process to resolve issues of 

1:00 pm: Roundtable Discussions
For interested workshop participants, roundtables will be set up to discuss 
how the issues should move forward as part of the CRRA legislative forum.

1:30 pm: Adjourn

Registration Form

Name __________________________________
Organization ____________________________
Address ________________________________
City ___________________________________
State ___________   Zip ___________________
Phone (          ) __________________________
Fax (          ) _____________________________
Email __________________________________
___	$50.00  for CRRA Members
___	$70.00 for non-members

Please register by November 20, 2001.
After 11/20/01 register on-site.

To register, please complete this form and mail with check payable to CRRA 
or register by fax with MasterCard or Visa (916) 447-5194.

Mail to: Kymberly A. Dreher
Member Services Program Coordinator, CRRA
1414 K Street, Suite 660, Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone (916) 441-2772

Check Information

Check Amount _____________Check Number _________
Credit Card Information ___ Visa     ___ M/C

Credit card number _________________________________
Expiration date ____________________________________
Name on card _____________________________________
Address of cardholder _______________________________
total amount charged $____________________

signature                                    date

For information on how to register for CRRA membership, go to, 
or complete application below.  For member rate, a completed membership 
application and dues must accompany registration form.

Membership Application

Name __________________________________
Organization ____________________________
Address ________________________________
City ___________________________________
State ___________   Zip ___________________
County _________________________________
Phone (          ) __________________________
Fax (          ) _____________________________
Email __________________________________
Annual Membership Dues for CRRA & NRC
__     $56	Student (required proof)
__     $81	Nonprofit Organization
__     $106	Individual (add'l family members $50)
__     $131	Government Agency (1st member)
__     $231	Business (private & public 1st member)
__     $81	Associate Member (each add'l employee
		of a gov't or business or add'l family member)

__  $20 BioCycle discount with CRRA membership:
      12 issues: $49.00…..24 issues: $93.00
__   $10 Resource Recycling  discount with NRC membership:
      12 issues: $52.00…..24 issues: $65.00

Total Payment:
      Membership Dues:		$_______
      BioCycle Subscription:		$_______
      Resource Recycling Subscription	$_______
      Amount Enclosed:			$_______

__	I do not wish to join NRC at this time…ask me again next year.  You may 
deduct $31.00 from your total payment.  However, CRRA will still be 
required to pay $31.00 to NRC on your behalf.

Payment Method: £Check Enclosed  £Visa or M/C

Credit Card #: _________________________________________
Expiration Date: _______________________________________

Gary Liss
Fax: 916-652-0485

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