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[GreenYes] FW: Big Green: Cafeteria trays: reuse or throwaway
Can anyone help this person with some appropriate resources?  
Please post to list.
Bruce Maine
Research Director
Sustainable Design Services
HDR Architecture

Subject: Re: Big Green: Cafeteria trays: reuse or throwaway

Dear Group:

Does anyone have any cost data that they could share that compares the life 
cycle costs of competing approaches?  One would involve both the capital 
outlay for a dishwasher and the operating costs for the labor and energy to 
run it, while the other would involve the costs of using throwaway Styrofoam

trays in a middle school, or any school, cafeteria.

Thank you in advance,

David W. Bearg, PE, CIH
White Pond, Concord, MA

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