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Re: [GreenYes] Fw: Students learn the up side of plastic
Dear Bill,

The Berkeley Plastics Task Force Report points to many of the negative
aspects of plastics that get greenwashed by the plastics industry.

In the contents, go to #9 "Seven Common Misconceptions About Plastics" in
the report explains why all of the following are misconceptions.

1.  Plastics that go into a curbside recycling bin get recycled.
2.  Curbside collection will reduce the amount of plastic landfilled.
3.  A chasing arrows symbol means a plastic container is recyclable.
4.  Packaging resins are made from petroleum refineries' waste.
5.  Plastics recyclers pay to promote plastics' recyclability.
6.  Using plastic containers conserves energy.
7.  Our choice is limited to recycling or wasting.

And if those are not enough to completely debunk the industry brainwashing
of our precious children, then revert to the health issues. Here's a few
questions that most likely won't be answered properly by the industry

1.  Since it is known by the whole plastics industry that dioxin is an
unavoidable byproduct of PVC production and incineration, isn't it then an
intentional creation of dioxin to make it or to incinerate it?
2.  Since dioxin is a known endocrine disruptor that can alter sex, create
many future health problems including cancer, and can be passed on to
infants through the mother's milk, shouldn't we stop making PVC?
3.  If industry knows all that and continues to make it, aren't they being
disrespectful of peoples' lives?
4.  I heard that for the most part, PVC isn't recycled. Does some of it go
to incinerators? Does some our PVC waste get landfilled or incinerated in
other countries that are not as rich as the US?
5. Why do we keep making PVC when so much of it has a negative effect on the
health of people and the environment?

Most other plastics have negative health effects as well.  Let me know if
you'd like more please.

Best regards,

Paul Goettlich
PO Box 517
Berkeley  CA  94701
Quiquid latine dictum sit altum viditur
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Sheehan" <>
To: "GreenYesL" <>; <>
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 8:26 AM
Subject: [GreenYes] Fw: Students learn the up side of plastic

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Eugene Conway
> To: ; Pawel Gluszynski
> Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 10:57 AM
> Subject: Students learn the up side of plastic
> Hi Folks
> Several elementary schools throughout Newfoundland
> have been selected by the plastics industry to learn
> about the contribution  that plastic products make to
> the reduction of solid waste and to the world around
> them.
> Since those presentations will be for grades 4-6,
> I need your assistance in designing specific questions
> that those young students could ask the presenters
> about the negative (down) side of plastics.
> Your help would be greatly appreciated.
> Eugene Conway
> Campaign for Progressive Waste Management
> *********************************************
> Students learn the up side of plastic
> :
> Next week, students at Davis Elementary, Carbonear
> will learn about the importance of plastics and why
> certain plastics are stretchy, gooey, solid or soft. The
> school is one of 10 in the province selected to do
> some experimenting with plastics during October.
> The Plasti-Lab workshops, designed and presented
> by the Environment and Plastics Industry Council
> (EPIC), will help students discover how plastics
> contribute to the reduction of solid waste and to the
> world around them.
> At the Oct. 16 workshop, Davis Elementary students
> will explore the unique properties of various plastics
> and investigate the many uses of plastics in everyday
> life. They will also learn about the positive contribution
> plastics make to the environment through responsible
> use, reduce and recycling strategies.
> The program will get students actively involved in the
> chemistry of plastics, helping them to determine which
> are energy absorbing versus energy repelling plastics.
> Students will also learn how plastics can save lives in
> medical care, how they reduce injury in sports and
> protect families from food contamination.
> The Plasti-Lab program is aimed at elementary
> students in Canada from Grades 4, 5 and 6 and will
> also tour schools in St. John's, Clarenville, Gander,
> Lewisporte, Channel-Porte aux Basques, Stephenville
> Crossing, Corner Brook, and Springdale, ending in
> Grand Falls.
> EPIC is an industry initiative committed to the
> responsible use and recovery of plastics resources.
> It promotes an integrated approach to waste
> management and offers technical expertise towards
> the development of innovative waste management
> solutions that are economically and environmentally
> sustainable.
> ******************************************
> To post to the greenyes list,
> email to:
> Subscription information for
> this list is available here:
> ******************************************

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